
About our CEO, Anna Kislanski


Anna Kislanski is an experienced educator and community specialist who, prior to her appointment as CEO of the Israel Reform Movement, spent the past decade as IMPJ Deputy Director General, oversaw the Congregational and Educational arms of the Reform Movement in Israel, and worked to support the growing network of Reform Congregations in Israel. Anna led and supervised the more than doubling of the IMPJ’s congregational presence which was 23 when she began in 2010, and is now 54.

Anna served as the Reform Movement’s Central Shlicha for URJ (2005-2009) and during that time was selected by The Jewish Agency for Israel as the top professional Shaliach for 2006. She also worked for the School Twinning Program with the Tel Aviv Los Angeles Partnership in Curricula Development and as the Program Director for Congregation Or Hadash in Haifa, the Reform Movement’s largest congregation in the north of Israel.

Anna’s experience in education also draws from her work at MELITZ (The Institute for Jewish-Zionist Education) as a Program Director and Facilitator, developing programs for schools, youth and educators, as a Facilitator for the MICHAEL Program, and as a Training Director at the College of Management in Israel.

Anna has degrees in Middle Eastern Studies and Educational Counseling. She lives with her husband, Arthur, and their three children in Even Yehuda, Israel and are founding members of Kehillat HaShachar – one of IMPJ’s newest congregations.

Senior Management:

David Bernstein, Deputy Director, Development and Overseas Relations

Orly Erez-Likhovski, Executive Director, Israel Religious Action Center (IRAC)

Yuli Goren, Spokesperson

Yael Katz, Head of Congregational, Youth, Young Adult and Educational Activities

Eyal Rakover, CFO

Rabbi Mira Regev, Head of Content and Culture

Danny Savach, Deputy Director, Administration and Human Resources

Board of Directors 2022

Yair Lootsteen Adv., Chairman of the Board – Kehillat Kol HaNeshama, Jerusalem

Prof. Ronen Beeri – Kehillat Kamatz, Mevasseret Zion

Lior Ben-Tsur – Kehillat Natan-Ya, Netanya

Ronit Boytner – Kehillat Yozma, Modi’in

Dor Eilon

Michael Galinski – Director of V’Ahavta, Shoham

Tal Gutstein

Daniel E. Hachen – Kibbutz Yahel

Noga Maliniak – Kehilat Bvat Ayin, Rosh Haayin

Eran Ovadia – Kehillat Kamatz, Mevasseret Zion

Michael Sabel Darel – Director of Kehillat Kamatz, Mevasseret Zion

Lesley Sachs – Kehillat Beit Daniel

Shai Segal

Nurit Shein

Nir Shuali – Director of Achvat Israel, Rishon L’Zion

Members of the Audit Committee:

Shmuel Keidar

Yaakov Nof

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