The Israel Reform Movement welcomes the unanimous decision by the Supreme Court this morning concerning the equal sharing of the military burden. The ruling mandates the drafting of young Haredi men and the withholding of funding from yeshivas on account of students eligible for the draft who fail to report.
During the current difficult and painful time, in particular, the exemption from military service granted to the Haredi public, which applies to over 60,000 yeshiva students, constitutes gross discrimination between the blood of Israeli citizens. The exemption is contrary to the principles of mutual responsibility and solidarity that characterize the Jewish people and the State of Israel.
The decision to halt the transfer of enormous sums to Haredi yeshivas whose students do not share in the burden of military service is a natural result.
We urge the Israeli government to honor the Supreme Court’s ruling and to take steps to draft the Haredi public while at the same time maintaining gender equality.
Our Sages of blessed memory emphasized that “all Israel are responsible for each other.” We all bear the responsibility to care for our fellow. We all share a common fate. It is time to put this saying into action and to ensure the equal distribution of the military burden.