Addition to the blessing
Blessed are You, God, Sovereign of the universe, who created me in Your image and commanded me to sanctify my own image by protecting the images of others.
These Candles – Hanerot Halalu
These candles we light – for the human breath is God’s lamp.
These candles are equal in height – for a human is a human.
All the days of our lives are sanctified. And we are not permitted to harm them, but only to treasure and the preserve them, so that we might give thanks and praise to Your great name for Your miracles, Your wonders, and Your salvation.
Rabbi Mira Regev
Every year on December 10th, International Human Rights Day is marked around the world. The date usually falls during Hanukkah or close to the festival. The candles we light are a symbol of the human spirit. Their shape and color vary, but their flame is the same. Every human is a human, created in God’s image. Every human life is sacred. We light the light of human rights for our own rights, which are so clear to us, and for those whose rights cannot be taken for granted, those most in need of heroism and miracles, and those who silently call us to speak out for them.
“Yotzer ha-adam” prayer for International Human Rights Day
Blessed are You, God, Sovereign of the universe,
Who created the human in Your image,
In the image of the divine form.
Male and female You created them and blessed them
And called them human
To teach us that every individual is like an entire world
And every soul is a divine candle.
We all share one source, one God created us all
Our faces differ
As do our opinions
And each one carries the divine mark.
Blessed are You, God, creator of the human.
Rabbi Oded Mazor